Generally, a beginner investor finds the mutual fund investing process a little complicated. We try to make things simple for all aspiring investors, through our hassle-free Onboarding process.
Please understand few key documents which are required to get On Boarded for opening a Mutual Fund trading account:
- You need to complete a KYC process, if not done yet. Please check here, if your KYC OK or not.
- you can complete your KYC Online from our Mobile app- "FundConnect". Simply install the app and enter our ARN Number 74812 to proceed with
- you will be required to upload the picture of your PAN Card, Address proof and a signature on plain paper to complete our Video KYC verified with Adhaar based OTP
(Please check this Demo Video )
- If your already a KYC or have complete your Video KYC , then you can create the transaction account from our Mobile app or Website in 3 simple steps ( Pl check the Demo Video)